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Sunday, April 4, 2021

Easter Joy

Happy Easter! I thought I would start the day with some positive thoughts this Spring of 2021 and hopefully the light at the end of the tunnel for this Covid crisis. Most of my family is healthy and doing well. My daughter Melissa is a burn survivor after a horrible car fire on January 27, but she is healing well now. Stacey and I were able to get to Florida for a few days earlier this week, enjoy some sunshine, and be in Disney with some relatives.

I am mindful of the fact that holidays mean different things to different people. Some people celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus on Easter, other people celebrate its more secular traditions, such as chocolate bunnies and colored eggs. I feel that neither is wrong. Easter, just like any other holiday, means what you want it to mean to you. 

I always enjoyed my family's Easter traditions, which included a church service and family get-togethers and activities. I took this photo of my mother, father, and two sisters on Easter Sunday, 1973, not long after receiving my first Polaroid camera.

Today Stacey and I will be visiting one of my daughters, her husband, and my two grandchildren.

Happy Easter! Enjoy your day!

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